All you want to know about Extracurricular Activities


What is extracurricular activities ?

Every scholarship willing should know about the extracurricular activities, it’s the activities you do away of your class like playing in the school sports team or even a sports team outside of your school, volunteering in teams like TEDx or IEEE, volunteering in community service associations… etc. SIYP team is here now to tell you about it.

Volunteering means that you don’t get paid for what you do, you just receive a certificate proves that you were a volunteer in this association or team, which is what you need here, all you need is the certificate to give you higher chance to get accepted in a scholarship, you don’t really need it to get accepted, but having it will give you an advantage,
I  teams like TEDx or IEEE there is some committees that have members working on them as volunteers,

An Important committees

There are committees like

  • HR (Human resources)

You can tell that HR is like a moderator on the members, an HR interviews the new members before they are accepted, after they are accepted the HR will be responsible to organize the tasks for every committee in the team.

  • PR (Public relations

PR is a person with many relations who is responsible to communicate with famous and important persons if the team wants them, like for TEDx the PR contacts with the speakers they are going to host in their event.

  • Marketing

This committee is responsible to market and promote for the team using some strategies to reach the most possible number of persons who are interested in the team, so the team become known,

  • GD (Graphic design)

This committee’s members are the artists of the team, they give a message to the team’s fans by making the designs that the team needs like the logo, the social media designs, the posters, or cards for the events… etc.

Thers is many other committees like

  • VE (video editing)
  • FR (Fundraisers)
  • Logistics
  • Social media
  • Content writing
  • Multimedia
  • Technical support
  • Coaching

Some teams would have some of these committees and not all of them, some teams would have other committees which aren’t mentioned here, every team will have the committees it needs to do achieve their target

An Important teams

There are many teams like

  • IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
  • CCC (Competitive College Club)
  • TEDx
  • MUN (Model United Nations)
  • Resala
  • AUC robotics (American University In Cairo Robotics)

An Important clubs

There are also the school-related clubs like

  • Physics club
  • Astronomy club
  • Biology club
  • Chemistry club
  • Electronics club
  • Economics club
  • English cub
  • Reading club

Just a small advice, don’t let these teams take much of your time, as we told before they aren’t necessary, you may better give most of your focus to your GPA, competitions, important certificates like TOEFL, ILETS, ACT, SAT… and so on.

If you want to volunteer in these teams, 2 or 3 important and known teams like the mentioned before will be enough for you.

To volunteer you can go the team’s Facebook page or website If they have, and apply for the team, you will usually need to fill a form, then you may need to make an interview, after that they will tell you if you are accepted or rejected.

When you leave the team at the end of the season, you will receive a certificate proves that you were a member in the team.

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